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Writer: Angels Day NurseryAngels Day Nursery

Next month at Angels, we will be hosting our amazing graduations ceremonies! Find out when your nursery is holding their graduation by asking staff or looking for the poster in the porch of your child’s setting.

Graduating nursery can be a big and scary thing, as can any change that small children face. However, a graduation is a celebration of all your child has achieved at nursery, whether they have been with us since Halos or joined us more recently. It is a chance to look back on all that growth before taking the next big steps in their lives!

It is important to talk to your child about graduation and what that means for them. Remind them of all that they have done to get to this point, and how exciting it will be to start somewhere new. Change can be especially scary to young children, however talking about the future and what they will experience is the perfect way to prepare them. They can begin to ready themselves for what is happening, and may even get excited!

We hope that you enjoy our graduation ceremonies if you are attending. Make sure to speak to staff at your setting for details on when your child’s ceremony is, and how you can attend! There will also be a photographer to take photos of graduations, and provide portrait photography for the other children.

Make sure you share any snaps with us via Tapestry! And as always, stay in touch; we love to see where your little ones go as they embark on the next stages of their exciting journey through life.



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